Repository Forums Support WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features PRO Remove coupon when criteria isn’t met any longer

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  • #19643
    Elena Schneider

    customers receive coupons without being entitled

    remove coupons, when the criteria aren’t met any longer

    see screencast attached:
    when customers remove products from cart, related coupons aren’t removed as well.
    In this case, the coupon is based on certain shipping methods. When the product that triggers a certain shipping method gets removed from cart, the coupons isn’t removed at the same time.
    Customers have to click “recalculate shipping costs”, then the coupon gets removed.

    Proposed solutions:
    recalculate, when cart was changed
    recalculate, when customer proceeds to checkout

    Best regards,


    It should be removed. Can you please disable High Performance mode on our plugin’s settings page to see if it makes a difference?

    If not, is there any non-default functionality on your theme’s cart page or a plugin that hooks on the cart functionality that could interfere with our plugin? Please send your WC System Status Report.

    Elena Schneider

    Hey! Unfortunately, that didn’t help.
    Here comes our System Report:

    ### WordPress Environment ###
    WordPress address (URL):
    Site address (URL):
    WC Version: 7.3.0
    REST API Version: ✔ 7.3.0
    WC Blocks Version: ✔ 9.1.5
    Action Scheduler Version: ✔ 3.4.0
    Log Directory Writable: ✔
    WP Version: 6.1.1
    WP Multisite: –
    WP Memory Limit: 1 GB
    WP Debug Mode: –
    WP Cron: –
    Language: de_DE_formal
    External object cache: –
    ### Server Environment ###
    Server Info: Apache
    PHP Version: 8.0.28
    PHP Post Max Size: 1 GB
    PHP Time Limit: 1800
    PHP Max Input Vars: 10000
    cURL Version: 7.68.0
    SUHOSIN Installed: –
    MySQL Version: 5.7.41
    Max Upload Size: 1 GB
    Default Timezone is UTC: ✔
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    SoapClient: ✔
    DOMDocument: ✔
    GZip: ✔
    Multibyte String: ✔
    Remote Post: ✔
    Remote Get: ✔
    ### Database ###
    WC Database Version: 7.3.0
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    ### Post Type Counts ###
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    custom_css: 1
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    nav_menu_item: 624
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    page: 121
    post: 87
    product: 6307
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    product_variation: 22471
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    revision: 36852
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    shop_order: 91199
    shop_order_refund: 1825
    snippet: 32
    styleboard: 8
    wapl: 10
    wc_order_email: 1
    wc_order_status: 7
    wishlist: 193
    wp_block: 5
    wp_global_styles: 1
    ### Security ###
    Secure connection (HTTPS): ✔
    Hide errors from visitors: ✔
    ### Active Plugins (79) ###
    Aelia Foundation Classes for WooCommerce: von Aelia –
    Gravity Forms: von Gravity Forms – 2.6.9
    Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce Free: von Rymera Web Co – 4.5.2
    Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce Premium: von Rymera Web Co – 3.5.2
    Advanced Custom Fields PRO: von WP Engine – 6.0.6
    Akismet Anti-Spam: von Automattic – 5.0.2
    CO2 Kompensation: von netzstrategen – 1.0.0
    CoCo | netzstrategen cookie consent and cookie notice plugin: von netzstrategen – 2.2.0
    Core Standards: von netzstrategen – 3.2.0
    Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce: von Tyche Softwares – 1.4.0
    Custom Related Products for WooCommerce: von Scott Nelle – 1.3
    Custom: von netzstrategen – 1.0.0
    Delayed Delivery Alert: von netzstrategen – 1.0.2
    Disable Emojis (GDPR friendly): von Ryan Hellyer – 1.7.4
    ElasticPress: von 10up – 4.4.1
    Elementor Pro: von – 3.10.2
    Elementor: von – 3.10.1
    Enable Media Replace: von ShortPixel – 4.0.2
    Energielabel: von netzstrategen – 2.0.3
    FooGallery: von FooPlugins – 2.2.26
    Gallerya: von netzstrategen – 2.9.0
    Gravity Forms Akismet Add-On: von Gravity Forms – 1.0
    Gravity Forms Mailchimp Add-On: von Gravity Forms – 5.1.1
    Gravity Forms Survey Add-On: von Gravity Forms – 3.8
    Image Disclaimer: von netzstrategen – 1.3.2
    Language Fallback: von Bernhard Kau – 2.0.0
    Media Cleaner (Pro): von Jordy Meow – 6.5.5
    Open Closed: von netzstrategen – 1.0.5
    Optimus: von KeyCDN – 1.6.3
    PublishPress Future: von PublishPress – 2.8.3
    Sale Prozente: von netzstrategen – 1.0.4
    Shop Analytics: von netzstrategen – 1.12.2
    Shop Standards Hinweistexte: von netzstrategen – 0.2.1
    Shop Standards: von netzstrategen – 1.45.0
    Shop Styleboards: von netzstrategen – 1.0.0
    Advanced Editor Tools (vormals TinyMCE Advanced): von Automattic – 5.6.0
    Benutzerrolleneditor Pro: von Vladimir Garagulia – 4.63.4
    WooCommerce Cash On Pickup: von Marian Kadanka – 1.6.1
    CTX Feed Pro: von WebAppick Author – 6.3.0
    WooChimp: von RightPress – 2.2.7
    WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit: von George Iron & Yas G. – 5.1
    WooCommerce Advanced Product Labels: von Jeroen Sormani – 1.2.2
    Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce: von Aelia –
    WooCommerce Ajax Add to Cart: von netzstrategen – 1.0.0
    WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features PRO: von Soft79 – 3.3.2
    WooCommerce Brands: von WooCommerce – 1.6.41 (Update auf Version 1.6.44 ist verfügbar)
    WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments: von WooCommerce – 1.14.4 (Update auf Version 1.14.5 ist verfügbar)
    Woocommerce Product Custom Options Lite: von phoeniixx – 1.9.1
    Woocommerce Custom Tabs PRO: von WebshopLogic – 1.0.30
    WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing: von Element Stark – 3.1.29 (Update auf Version 3.2.0 ist verfügbar)
    Woocommerce Dynamic Shipping Info: von netzstrategen – 2.0.0
    WooCommerce Email Customizer Plus: von Flycart – 1.2.11
    WooCommerce EU VAT Number: von WooCommerce – 2.8.0 (Update auf Version 2.8.2 ist verfügbar)
    WooCommerce Force Sells: von Themesquad – 1.2.0
    WooCommerce Amazon Pay: von WooCommerce – 2.4.0 (Update auf Version 2.4.1 ist verfügbar)
    WooCommerce Stripe-Gateway: von WooCommerce – 7.0.2
    German Market: von MarketPress – 3.21
    Google Address Autocomplete for WooCommerce: von MB Création – 2.3.4
    WooCommerce Local Store: von netzstrategen – 1.1.0
    Lowest Delivery Time Variations: von netzstrategen – 1.0.1
    WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities: von WooCommerce – 4.0.6 (Update auf Version 4.0.7 ist verfügbar)
    WooCommerce MOEVE: von netzstrategen – 2.7.3
    WooCommerce Order Status Manager: von SkyVerge – 1.14.0
    WooCommerce PayPal Payments: von WooCommerce – 2.0.1 (Update auf Version 2.0.3 ist verfügbar)
    WooCommerce Related Accessories: von netzstrategen – 1.1.8
    WooCommerce Reputations: von netzstrategen – 1.7.7
    WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping: von WooCommerce – 3.1.0
    Aelia Tax Display by Country for WooCommerce: von Aelia –
    WooCommerce: von Automattic – 7.3.0 (Update auf Version 7.5.0 ist verfügbar)
    Yoast SEO Premium: von Team Yoast – 20.0
    Yoast SEO: von Team Yoast – 20.0
    WP All Import Pro: von Soflyy – 4.7.8
    WP Frontend Delete Account: von Sanjeev Aryal – 1.7.0
    WP-Lister Pro for Amazon: von WP Lab – 2.5
    WP Mail SMTP: von WPForms – 3.7.0
    WP Snippets: von WebSharks
    Inc. (Jason Caldwell) – 150201
    WP All Import - WooCommerce Import Add-On Pro: von Soflyy – 3.3.4
    YITH WooCommerce Quick View: von YITH – 1.23.0
    Yoast Test Helper: von Team Yoast – 1.17
    ### Inactive Plugins (2) ###
    Envato Market: von Envato – 2.0.8
    Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On: von Gravity Forms – 5.0
    ### Must Use Plugins (3) ###
    Disable non-production plugins: von netzstrategen – 1.0.0
    Must Use Plugins Loader: von Ben Word – 1.0
    Performance Optimizations: von netzstrategen – 1.0.0
    ### Settings ###
    API Enabled: ✔
    Force SSL: –
    Currency: EUR (€)
    Currency Position: right_space
    Thousand Separator: .
    Decimal Separator: ,
    Number of Decimals: 2
    Taxonomies: Product Types: bundle (bundle)
    composite (composite)
    external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    simple (simple)
    variable (variable)
    Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
    exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
    featured (featured)
    outofstock (outofstock)
    rated-1 (rated-1)
    rated-2 (rated-2)
    rated-3 (rated-3)
    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)
    Connected to ✔
    Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: –
    Order datastore: WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT
    ### WC Pages ###
    Shop-Basis: #11483 - /shop
    Warenkorb: #11484 - /warenkorb
    Kasse: #11485 - /kasse
    Mein Konto: #11486 - /mein-konto
    Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen: #11497 - /agb
    ### Theme ###
    Name: Gartenmöbel Company
    Version: 1.0.0 (Update auf Version 1.02 ist verfügbar)
    Author URL:
    Child Theme: ❌ – Wenn Sie WooCommerce mit einem Theme
    das Sie nicht selbst entwickelt haben
    an eigene Bedürfnisse anpassen
    dann empfehlen wir die Verwendung eines Child-Themes. Siehe Wie Sie ein Child-Theme erstellen (engl.)
    WooCommerce Support: ✔
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: shop/woocommerce/cart/cart-item-data.php
    ### WooCommerce PayPal Payments ###
    Onboarded: ✔
    Shop country code: DE
    WooCommerce currency supported: ✔
    Advanced Card Processing available in country: ✔
    Pay Later messaging available in country: ✔
    Webhook status: ✔
    Vault enabled: ✔
    Logging enabled: –
    Reference Transactions: –
    Used PayPal Checkout plugin: ✔
    Tracking enabled: ✔
    ### Admin ###
    Enabled Features: activity-panels
    Disabled Features: minified-js
    Daily Cron: ✔ Next scheduled: 2023-03-22 09:33:27 +01:00
    Options: ✔
    Notes: 64
    Onboarding: completed
    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Abgebrochen: 6
    Oldest: 2023-02-19 18:56:12 +0100
    Newest: 2023-03-20 19:05:59 +0100
    Abgeschlossen: 3.937.189
    Oldest: 2023-02-18 16:45:07 +0100
    Newest: 2023-03-21 16:46:16 +0100
    Fehlgeschlagen: 3.577
    Oldest: 2020-09-13 11:37:13 +0200
    Newest: 2023-03-08 09:57:28 +0100
    Ausstehend: 45
    Oldest: 2023-03-21 16:46:22 +0100
    Newest: 2023-03-26 12:14:32 +0200
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2023-03-21 16:46:22 +01:00

    Wow, that’s a lot of plugins. The next step would be to temporarily disable WC related plugins to find out if one is conflicting with our plugin. I’d start with the Advanced Coupons plugins, since they are coupon related.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
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