Repository Forums Support WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features PRO single request to cart page generates 4 divide by zero on the same coupon Reply To: single request to cart page generates 4 divide by zero on the same coupon

Jonathan Moore

Your logic sounds correct.

Nevertheless CHAR_LENGTH(meta_value) is zero length for the value in question using
select CHAR_LENGTH(meta_value) from wp_postmeta
where post_id = 15204
and meta_key = ‘minimum_amount’

Illogical as it might seem, I nevertheless resolved in my local environment with:

        if ( $wrap_coupon->get_minimum_amount() ) {
            if ($wrap_coupon->get_minimum_amount()==0){error_log('wjecf suppressing divide by zeron on coupon id' . $wrap_coupon->get_id() );} else {
            $multiplier = self::min_value( floor( WC()->cart->subtotal / $wrap_coupon->get_minimum_amount() ), $multiplier );

and am getting the log message every time..