Repository Forums Support WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features PRO Woocommerce subscriptions don't auto apply coupon Reply To: Woocommerce subscriptions don't auto apply coupon


Here is my example site:

Here is what I did in steps (so you can reproduce the issue)

  • Installed woocommerce, WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features, and Subscriptions
  • Installed a free theme, but tried it with others as well, the issue remains the same (current theme is Storefront from WP registry)
  • Created a simple product (t-shirt), a Subscription product (subscription)
  • Created an auto coupon that gets applied when the Check paymants are selected
  • Setup subscriptions to manual mode
  • Added your snippet at the end of woocommerce-jos-autocoupon.php to update the checkout cart once there is a change in payment methods


  • with tshirt
  • When you add the subscription product to your basket and the system has saved that your default payment method is check payment
    • HOWEVER: If you go to the checkout and change payment method to something else and then back to check payments, it stops applying the coupon

Thank you very much for the help. I’m trying to fix this for days now.