What does debug mode do?

It allows you (or us) to display the coupon settings by adding ?wjecf_dump=COUPON_CODE to the url It displays some debug information on the frontend after calling ?wjecf_log=1 It logs more data to the debug log of the plugin (see wp-admin … Read More

How do I upgrade FREE to PRO?

Purchase the PRO version and download it from your account page Go to the wp-admin dashboard of your site Go to Plugins Deactivate and remove the FREE version of the plugin (don’t worry, no data will be deleted) Go to … Read More

Is this plugin translatable?

Yes, all string values are translatable through the supplied POT/PO/MO files. Currently this plugin has been translated to English, Spanish and Dutch. Using qTranslate X, the coupon message for Auto Coupons can be translated using shorthand tags, e.g. [:en]This is … Read More

How do I create a url that adds a coupon to the cart?

That’s easy! First find the url of the landingpage you want the url to link to. For example: http://www.mysite.com/cart/ Then append ?apply_coupon=coupon_code http://www.mysite.com/cart/?apply_coupon=coupon_code Optionally, to add a product using the same url, you can append &add-to-cart=1234 where 1234 is the id … Read More