Repository Forums Support WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features PRO URGENT – Coupon is not multiplying products Reply To: URGENT – Coupon is not multiplying products


Great, that fixes one problem.

But, I still have another.

When I add a qualifying gift card to my cart, it works great. Then, if I add more qualifying gift cards, the number of free washes is really odd. For example:

1.) Add 4 $40 gift cards to your cart. Notice, you get 4 free washes – Great!
2.) Add 1 $75 gift cards to your cart. View your cart and notice the total number of free washes should by 5, and it is.
3.) While you are in the cart, change the qty for the $75 card to 2 (from 1), and notice the number of free washes is 7, when it should be 6.

Can you help me figure this one out?

I can provide credentials to login if you can give me a secure way to get them to you.