Repository Forums Support WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features PRO WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features w/WooCommerce 3.0.1 Reply To: WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features w/WooCommerce 3.0.1


WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features is not applying the coupon discount when all the criteria is met.

We are running WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features (WCECF) v 2.4.0 and WooCommerce (WC) v 3.0.1.

WordPress/Plugins does not indicate an update is available for WCECF v 2.4.0?

We updated to WC 3.0.0 and WCECF v2.4.0 on April 5. Prior to that time WCECF worked. Ideas??

Thank you for your time.

James Beccker