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Hi There,
Here are the plugins that seem to affect price:
WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantities
WooCommerce Discount by Roles
WooCommerce Role Based Price
WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features (regular and pro)

In regards to Roles, the product we are trying to give away for free is not used in any of the first 3 plugins.

I was able to create a workaround where I modified a free gift coupon where the Product Discount had a Coupon Amount that is equal to the price of the product I want to give away for free ($5.00). This is working now since it just credits back the extra charge, but it feels like a bit of a hack.

Side note: I have figured out the reason for the 2 “Discount” fields was because 2 items were being added for free. The second item is a catalog that has a normal cost of $0.00 so it was effectively working fine.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding how this plugin works. Do products that I want to give away need to be pre-built with a cost of $0.00? I was under the impression I can give away ANY product in our catalog and this plugin would credit the cost back to the customer automatically.