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I am testing the free version of this on my staging site for I would like to add a “Buy 3 Get One Free” option for my pre rolls. I have tried it 2 different ways to see if it would work and here are the results:

1st attempt
Discount Type: Product Discount
Coupon Amount: $0
Products(OR): I selected every pre-roll on our menu.
Product Categories(OR): I selected the “preroll” category
Minimum Quantity of Matching Products: 3
Auto Coupon: Yes

After the coupon was created, I added 3 pre rolls to my cart and received a notification stating “Discount Applied – Preroll” When I went to checkout, no discount was applied and there was no option for choice of a free preroll. I then tried to add a 4th pre roll, clicked “checkout” and again no discount.

2nd attempt
Discount Type: Product Discount
Coupon Amount: $10
Products(OR): I selected every pre-roll on our menu.
Product Categories(OR): I selected the “preroll” category
Minimum Quantity of Matching Products: 3
Auto Coupon: Yes

After the coupon was updated to the $10 Coupon Amount, I cleared my cart, added 3 more pre rolls, received a notification stating “Discount Applied – Preroll,” and when I checked my cart $30 was subtracted. I believe $10 should have been subtracted.

Is my issue that I need to buy the Pro version? I’m not much of a developer so if I sound like an idiot, I apologize!
