Hi there,
Sorry It is a basic question.
What should I set in the Allowed Customers field? email address? id?
I would like to give coupons to our 5000 Royal Customers, is it possible?
Hi there,
Our customers total 8,000. The user_roles are all the same “customer”.
We extracted 5,000 good customers among them.
We would like to give coupons to these customers.
So Customer restrictions> Allowed Customers, what settings could I set?
It’s a great suggestion!
#1 is reasonable, and #2 is luxury. Hmmm…
Like the condition of the product, it was great if the checkout setting was able to refer to the user’s custom fields. So I’m very very disappointed.
But you will surely make this plug-in a wonderful product with a better idea.
Thank you for your time. (For now, My choice is #1.)