Repository Forums Support WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features PRO Apply Free item with TOTAL spent

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  • #2998

    Hi, this is a great plugin, but i’m having one issue. I want an item to be added to the cart for free once $150 is spent. This works great, however, this is based on the SUBTOTAL, not the total. So what happens is they get this item, but then if there is a another coupon applied that drops the total below 150, the free item is still there. How can we make it so that the free item is applied when a minimum TOTAL (not subtotal) is spent?


    Unfortunately that’s not possible. The discount is always based on the subtotal of the cart before applying coupons or shipping and other fees.

    A workaround would be using the wjecf_assert_coupon_is_valid action and invalidate the Free product-coupon when the other coupon is in the cart and cart total is less than (150+discount). This requires some PHP knowledge obviously.


    Is there anyway you can provide the PHP? that was kind of the whole reason I bought this plugin

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