Repository Forums Support Expiry dates for WooCommerce PRO Error on Product Admin Overview

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  • #2384

    Hi, i bought your cool plugin a few minutes ago. Installing, activating and set the Date was all OK and easy, it also works correct at the frontend, but at the Backend i have a Problem, that i breaks the Products Page. There were normally the Stock Numebr is displayed i have now an Error that says:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function backorders_allowed() on boolean in /var/www/vhosts/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/vhosts/ SOFT79_WCXD_Product_Logic->getPurchasableStock() #1 /var/www/vhosts/ SOFT79_WCXD_Admin->woocommerce_admin_stock_html(‘<mark class=”in…’, Object(WC_Facebook_Product)) #2 /var/www/vhosts/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(‘<mark class=”in…’, Array) #3 /var/www/vhosts/ apply_filters(‘woocommerce_adm…’, ‘<mark class=”in…’, Object(WC_Facebook_Product)) #4 /var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 98

    Is your plugin maybe not compatible to the actual Versions of Woocommerce? I use 4.9.1 WP with 3.2.5 WC and i usually make every updates for security reasons after 2-3 Weeks after release, so its important for me that the plugin works with actual Versions.



    I think it’s an incompatibility with WC_Facebook_Product. Do you know what plugin WC_Facebook_Product belongs to? If not, please send me your WooCommerce System Status Report.

    PS: The plugin has been tested with WP 4.9.1 and WC 3.2.6


    Is it the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin by any chance? Does the issue go away if you temporarily disable that plugin?

    I tried to reproduce it on my dev environment with that plugin installed; but I don’t get any errors. Probably because I can’t set that plugin up without a Facebook account to test it with.


    I have to try it, bu i saw that the plugin does not work for variable Products, right? I thats correct, its completely useless for me. Is it planned to add this in the Future? I am willing to pay also an extra charge for that but without that, i can not use it 🙁


    I’ve been experimenting with variable products recently. I have to investigate further, but this will probably available soon.



    I just released v1.2.0-beta.1 which supports expiry dates on variations. Could you please try it out? It’s available at your account page.

    NOTE: The expiry rule must be set at the inventory-tab of the ‘main’ product. The expiry dates must be set at the variations-tab.

    Looking forward to your feedback!


    Hi and thanks for the Fast development, i tried it on one Product, it seems to work, thanks.


    I have somer more inputs for you and also a Bug. By generating an Invoice PDF, there is an Error Code includeded in the Expiry Date. Here we come to the Inputs (i have not found such Settings). It would be great to disable the Integration at the Cart / E-Mail / Invoice and only show the expiry Date on the Product Page.


    What error code is included in the PDF?

    On the page wp-admin > Products > Expiry Rules > your expiry rule you can find these settings:

    • Display expiry date on cart page
    • Display expiry date on product page
    • Display expiry date on order confirmation

    The code sais:

    77382: Warning: rawurldecode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array
    given in /var/www/vhosts/
    oocommerce/includes/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-item-meta.php on
    line 46, Mindestens haltbar bis: 31. Juli 2018

    OK nice that there is an Option for that, sorry, i looked into the general Product Options.

    I’ve made a trial now with the only option activated “on Product Page” but is is shown already at the Mail, Deliver Note, Invoice and Order Admin?


    The setting will only have influence on new orders.

    Yes, I can replicate the warning message. I will look into it, but for now you can ignore it.


    Yes i made a new order to test it and the Bugs are like written above.


    Do you mean that when you place an order while ‘Display expiry date on order confirmation’ is disabled the expiry date is still added to the delivery note, mail and email? Can you send me such a delivery note to admin at


    Yes. Shure, E-Mail is out.


    Ok, thanks. For now please disable WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY so the error messages are not visible on the invoice.

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