Repository Forums Support Expiry dates for WooCommerce PRO Expiry Dates plugin settings, components not available – just the Expiry Rules

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  • #17960
    Matt Price

    HI there

    We have just purchased the latest version of the Expiry Dates (1.3.8) plugin today, our client has been using an older version (1.2.1) on their multi-site and has been experience some issues with the latest WooCommerce (issues with correct stock numbers). We thought it an obvious path towards a fix in updating to your latest version of the plugin.

    However, we are encountering what seems to be a bizarre problem.

    I have installed the plugin on their live site, a staging website, and on a localhost clean latest install WordPress website, in each instance I cannot reach the “WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Expiry Dates” settings page. It simply does not even present the menu option. Also, when viewing the Admin Products page, the column ‘Expiry’ does not show. Neither does the ‘Expiry Rule’ piece display when editing the individual Product. In fact the ONLY component that does display is the ‘Expiry Rules’ within Admin Products menu.

    I have tested this three times on fresh latest WordPress, WooCommerce, TwentyTwentyOne theme, PHP 7.3.19. Full Admin privileges, no console errors, no PHP errors.
    The ONLY instance in which the plugin did work correctly was where we set a local Windows host record to run the website over http://comeon.test. To sanity check myself, I then changed the necessary DB records, wp-config.php and .htaccess to run the website over http://localhost/comeon and the the problem above occurred.

    This leads me to the impression that the plugin has a problem with plugin directory pathing perhaps.


    I’ve released a possible fix in version 1.3.9, can you please test it?

    Matt Price

    Hi there, we’ve installed 1.3.9 and it is all working again correctly now. Hopefully with the latest version of the plugin the stock management runs smoother over version 1.2.1.

    Thank you for the prompt response.

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