My site has a coupon set up to provide a free gift if a customer spends min amount of £20 AND if they enter the coupon code at the checkout page. However, after the customer enters the coupon code and submits it the free gift is not shown to the customer on the checkout page. If the customer presses F5 to refresh the checkout page the free gift is then successfully shown?
Copy wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-auto-added-coupons-pro/templates/checkout/select-free-product.php
to wp-content/themes/YOUR-CHILD-THEME/woocommerce-auto-added-coupons/checkout/select-free-product.php
and remove the following lines (36 … 39) from the newly created file:
//Don't display if no free product selections...
if ( empty( $coupons_form_data ) ) {
This seems to have fixed the issue. Also, is it correct that once the customer selects their free gift that the free gift doesn’t show up under the ‘Your order’ until you’ve started populating the Billing Address? Thank you, Damian.