Repository Forums Support WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features PRO Free Products: Product Variations

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  • #245
    Peggy Pfeifer

    Hi there,

    I just yesterday bought your great plugin. So far I am quite happy with it.
    There is just one issue I have:
    When I want to add free products to the cart and I have selected product variations as free gifts, they are not added – instead the main product is added.
    Now I wonder if this is intended or if this might be a bug of some kind. Is it possible to use variations as free products?

    Any advice?
    Regards and merry christmas 😉

    PS: For possible future development here a quick idea: It would be awesome if we could define the quantity of free products instead of the multiply feature.
    E.g.: buy 10 get 1 free item / buy 20 get 3 free items… (of the same product)

    Peggy Pfeifer

    Hi again.
    I have to correct my privious request:
    The variations are added correctly – they are just not displayed correctly.

    Let me try to be more specific:
    I have for example a product “Calendar” with different design variations: silver – gold – whatever
    If someone buys 10 Calendars Design silver they would get one free Calendar with Design silver.

    In the cart it shows:

    10x Calendar Design silver
    1x Calendar FREE

    whereas it should show the correct variation attribute:

    10x Calendar Design silver
    1x Calendar Design silver FREE

    The same is true if I let the customer select between different free products. It never shows the variation attribute.

    Please advise.


    Hi Peggy,

    yes you are right. The right variant is added to the cart, but the attributes aren’t displayed. I will try to fix before the end of this year.

    And yes, I’m planning on allowing the amount of free products to be changed, but still have to work out the details. This will take at least a couple of weeks.

    Happy holidays!



    Peggy Pfeifer

    Hi Jos.
    This sounds all good. Thanks for your reply and for your efforts with this plugin. It is really a great addition for my site.



    I just added 2.3.1 beta to your downloads, this version should display the attributes of the free product variants.

    Peggy Pfeifer

    Hi Jos.
    Thanks for the beta version.
    I have just tested and the variations are now shown correctly. This works like a charm.
    Would it also be possible to make them show in the list of selections if I let the customer choose between different free products? There it still shows without the attributes.


    Btw, if you need a beta tester for the above mentioned future update just let me know. In that case you might want to send me an email since I am not notified via email when you post a reply.


    Sorry for the late reply.

    You can achieve this by overriding the template files of my plugin. Copy them into wp_content/themes/your_theme/woocommerce-auto-added-coupons and make the required changes.

    You can use wc_get_product_variation_attributes( $variation_id ); to get all the attributes of a variation.

    Look into woocommerce/includes/class-wc-cart.php function get_item_data on how to render them.

    Peggy Pfeifer

    Hi Jos.
    Thanks for the hints.
    Unfortunately I wasn’t able to apply any changes to the files copied into my child theme. I have tried to copy it into various folder settings but nothing allowed me to make any changes visible in the cart.
    My php knowledge is perhaps a bit better than beginner but I would have to sit ages to find out the right code.
    I will leave it as is for now but maybe you could consider to add this feature to a future update?
    Also it would be great if in the cart in the price column the actual price of the product would be shown instead of Free! so that the user would know the actual value of the free product that she will get.


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