Repository Forums Support WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features PRO group products for a discount

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  • #16834
    Jane Christensen

    Hello again!

    I have 3 different products I want to group together for a certain price. I chose “fixed cart discount” and put the amount of the coupon, but if they add 2 of each product, or 3 of each etc. I want the amount of that coupon to keep increasing. So if they buy 1 of each, $23 off, if they buy 2 of each, $46 off etc. If I choose “fixed cart discount” i dont get the “every nth item” option. Is there a way around this or another way to do this?



    You need to use a fixed product discount for that.

    Jane Christensen

    Ok. I only want the discount to be applied when all 3 products are in the cart, do I need to make the minimum 3? They are all different prices so I can’t add a universal product discount.

    Jane Christensen

    oh nevermind, i think I got it!

    Jane Christensen

    OK so I changed it to “and” so it works when all 3 products and then the discount is applied. If I add an additional 1/3 products i do NOT want the discount applied, what settings does that need to be on to make that happen?


    Can you please share an image of a cart explaining the issue? You can send it to: admin at

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